We Provide Planning Leadership And Tools For Success

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A proven system.

Our Fast Track Strategic Planning System has been developed based on 30 years of planning and execution experience with companies, non-profits, government entities, associations and entrepreneurs.

Our system is a proven “strategic gap” planning process focused on what’s most important for success:

  • Creating a shared vision built on mission and values. Identifying strategic gaps.

  • Developing strategic goals, strategies and strategic initiatives with action steps to close the gaps and move the organization toward the vision.

  • Implementation using accountability, measurement, adjustment, assessment and re-planning.

When we facilitate your plan, we build a logic model that flows from the strategic vision to initiatives and action steps with measurement, accountability and timelines for effective implementation

Why it works.

Why Fast Track Strategic Planning is effective:

PARTICIPATIVE. Uses participants’ knowledge and insights to determine what’s best for the organization.

AGILE AND FOCUSED. A straight-forward process that drives action and adapts to needs.

TESTED AND EFFICIENT. Developed working with leaders over decades. Affordable and time-limited.

BEST PRACTICES. Aligned with the Association for Strategic Planning’s Body of Knowledge.

POWERFUL STRATEGIES. The aim is to develop and execute strategies that work across the organization to bring desired change and movement to the vision.

INFORMATION & INSIGHTS. Surveys, interviews and an independent environmental scan bring invaluable information and insights to the planning table. The exhibit shows the model we advocate for obtaining information and insight from stakeholders.

ALIGNMENT. Aligns systems, processes and people to ensure success.

BALANCED STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT. Effective strategies must interplay across the organization. We apply the Balanced Scorecard perspectives to help clients attain balanced strategy development.

LINE OF SIGHT TO STRATEGY. Engages those who must implement so they understand why change is needed and the strategies that are being implemented.

CORE ORGANIZATIONAL PROCESS. Promotes planning as an on-going process, not a one-time event.

ACTION DRIVEN. Plan implementation is driven by initiatives and action steps, with accountability, timelines and measurables.

ASSESSMENT AND RE-PLANNING. Assures continued implementation progress through planned assessment, adjustment, and re-planning.

For your success.

We have the expertise, experience, resources and tools to help you succeed:

BUSINESS INSIGHT AND KNOWLEDGE. We bring insight and knowledge from for-profit, association, government and non-profit management and consulting roles, and business, strategy, marketing and communications education and expertise.

BEST PLANNING PRACTICES. We are committed to “best practices” strategy development, continue to write about and do research on best practices, and are deeply involved in leading the Association of Strategic Planning and learning and teaching at ASP’s conferences.

PROFESSIONAL FACILITATION EXPERIENCE. We know how to work with groups to reach objectives. We have facilitated hundreds of meetings with Board chairs, directors, senior leaders, executives, professionals, elected officials and volunteers. Our commitment to professional facilitation is demonstrated through affiliation with the International Association of Facilitators.

RESEARCH EXPERTISE. We are qualified to develop stakeholder input and insight, and find and analyze information. We have graduate education and professional experience in quantitative and qualitative market research. We use Survey Gizmo’s professional e-survey tools.

SUBJECT MATTER EXPERTS. A wealth of available management and specialist talent enables us to provide deep expertise on an affordable basis. We meet client needs by sourcing and managing expert independent consultants – Forrest Consulting associates – on a “per assignment” basis.

SMART PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Producing and executing an effective strategic plan is a key project for you and for us. We use cloud project management software to organize, track and document our work (and will invite you to join in if you so desire).

Get a great strategic plan!



Our Vision Is Your Success

We believe every organization needs a current strategic plan that it is implementing for greater success.

Why that vision? Our research shows that 74% of leaders say their organizations don’t use planning to make strategic decisions and 70% of organizations with a plan fail to implement it.

The good news is that our research also tells us that successful organizations are more likely to engage in planning, implement their plan, and use planning and implementation “best practices.”

Get a great strategic plan!



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